Many of you asked…the survey showed Deeksha Blessing was one of the three topics most of you said, basically, “What the heck is that?”I understand totally.Until a few months ago, I had no idea either.
Deeksha originated in India and spreads worldwide rapidly.It is energy work.As a Reiki trained person, I linked quickly with the idea of someone sharing their energy, spirituality, and healing via touch.Deeksha is a bit like Reiki in that way while it is different as well.Deeksha is also called Oneness Blessing.It is a transfer of spiritual energy to help the senses to be free from the constant interference of the mind. When the senses are unclouded, a natural clarity of perception can occur.People that received Deeksha Blessings speak of feelings of joy, inner calmness, and a connection to the Oneness in everything.I attended a Deeksha Blessing here in SLC with several dozen people and most of the folks there felt peaceful and calm afterwards.It was a nice thing to be part of that.
The Deeksha giver places his or her hands onto the crown of the head. Experiences during the Deeksha vary, sometimes strong, sometimes subtle, sometimes delayed until even days later. The recipient may experience a tingling sensation in the head, or blissful feelings running through the body, or sometimes nothing at all. Depends on the time, the place, and the person.Whatever the experience, the recipient can be part of process of enlightenment that can lead gradually into Awakening.
Deeksha does not belong to any religion, or any particular belief or spiritual path. Deeksha is given each day to people all over the world, people of all races, all religions, all spiritual beliefs or no spiritual beliefs, and to people of all nationalities.
If we have enough interest, we will reach out to some folks locally that are trained in Deeksha.It could be a nice Gathering for one of our Tuesday night forums.Just let me know.